Newborn prep guide

I. Timing is everything

There is a reason I photograph your babies in the first 2 weeks of life. Babies are generally sleepier before they are two weeks old. If timing doesn't work out for that 2 week mark we will do our best!

2. Full bellies | Happy sleepers

A well-fed baby is a content and sleepy baby. Feed baby 2-3 hours before the session. After this feed, try to keep baby awake. Try a bath, let them kick around with just a diaper on, tickle their toes. Plan to Feed baby when you arrive to the session. And during the session if need be. Dress baby in a zip up or button sleeper. These are easier to transition them to my wraps without upsetting baby.

3. Warm and cozy

Creating a snug and soothing environment is key. I keep my room very warm and wrap baby nice and snug to make them feel relaxed and secure. Please plan accordingly. My room will be warm, so feel free to bring your clothes to change into when it's your time.

Additional tips

WHite noise

White noise machines or apps can be a game-changer. The gentle hum mimics sounds in the womb and can lull your baby into a deeper sleep. It also helps drown out any sudden noises that might startle baby awake. I use the Baby Shusher.


If you are willing sometimes the use of a pacifier can help baby transition into that sleepy stay. Bendable pacifiers work well as they will not leave marks on babies face. If you are not ready to introduce a pacifier no problem! But if I ask you to nurse or feed baby please be willing to do so. Sometimes just topping baby off can send them back into a sleepy state.

Embrace Awake Moments

Remember, awake shots can be just as precious! Don't stress if your baby is alert during some of the session. Capturing those bright eyes and curious expressions can add a beautiful variety to your collection of photos.

Trust Your Photographer

Experienced newborn photographers have a knack for creating a soothing atmosphere and knowing how to work with sleepy babies. Trust their expertise and guidance—they've seen it all!

What to wear?

If you are doing family session with your newborn session it's important to think about what your family will wear too. I do offer some dresses for mamas that look great postpartum. Please let me know if this interests you. I may also have outfits that would fit siblings as well. I'm always so happy to help you put together great outfits.

What to expect?

When you get to my studio I will have all of my set ups for your baby ready. We talk ahead of time about colors you might like or want me to avoid. I will have you feed baby and then I will take baby from there. I will work on swaddling baby and getting them to fall asleep. If they are fighting it then I may ask you to step in. I do try to get baby done first. I often will let siblings play for a while to warm up, they can watch me and baby, or they can just play with some of the toys. I will end with family session as long as siblings are doing okay. If you need this to be done in a different order please let me know!